The Texas A&M University College of Engineering is a leader in recognizing the great need to broaden a student’s college experience by going beyond the classroom and participating in high-impact experiences that will prepare them more holistically for their professional and personal lives. ENGR[x]is our approach.
ENGR[x]is a zero-credit-hour requirement for graduation for all students in the College of Engineering. In order to complete this requirement, a student must complete two steps. First, the student must participate in a high-impact engineering-centric experience/activity and second, they must complete a meaningful self-reflection.
The engineering-centric, high-impact experience provides the platform for developing the skills most desired by employers — interpersonal and professional skills. The reflection requires the student to go through the self-contemplation that is required for real learning. “We don’t learn from experience; we learn from reflecting on experience.” – John Dewey
In industry, professional skillsare known as “soft skills”; communication, problem-solving, organization, leadership, teamwork, adaptability, creativity, interpersonal-skills, etc. In the College of Engineering, we call them “essential skills,” and ENGR[x]aims to set the student on the track of growth and development.
Aggie engineers are among the most sought-after candidates in the engineering workforce. This is due to a sound core curricular education; our Aggie core values and now their “X” factor.
For more information on ENGR[x], contact:
Shayla Rivera '83
ENGR[x]Director | Professor of Practice